Quote of the moment:

I don't smoke chronic; I smoke punk-ass bitches. Hard keeping them lit, though...


Special Holiday!

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Apparently, it was a holiday today, and I didn't even realize it until I got on the road earlier!

If you were also confused, I made this handy guide to help understand the customs and traditions of... (Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 22, 2015

Nazi Pizza?

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So, I was talking with some people about themed pizza places, like Chuck E. Cheese and so forth, where it's an experience to go there. It's usually for kids though, and usually pretty lame.

It was... (Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 20, 2015

Cancer: The Board Game!

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You know the game of LifeĀ®, the board game with the little cars and the spinner? Yeah, this isn't like that game at all.

I was inspired by all the wonderful natural cancer "cure" advocates out the... (Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 16, 2015

Turn down for guts!

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A series of video clips of whales exploding, set to everyone's favorite summer jam. It's a Lil' Jon-tage. Get it?

I never realized how many videos are out there of dead whales exploding due to inte... (Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 13, 2015

Outrage Dartboard

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I have such a difficult time keeping up with all the trends, especially those that tell me what I should be offended by.

So, I went to my lab and concocted an "offense dartboard," which will let me... (Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 12, 2015

Public Transit Bingo

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So, here in Portland, OR, we have a highly-rated, but actually pretty shitty public transit service called TRI-MET.

They run all the bus service, light rail, and streetcar(yeah, we have one of thos... (Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 10, 2015


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There are predominantly two kinds of squirrels in the continental USA. I had no idea how to tell them apart until recently, after a very scientific study on squirrel bits. Now, my knowledge can help y... (Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 06, 2015

Nazi or Nice

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It's 1944, and there's been a crazy Christmas mix-up!

You see, Oskar Schindler and Santa Claus have gotten their lists switched.

Will the gifts be delivered on time?

Will Santa be visiting em... (Click to see more)

Posted: Nov. 02, 2015

For Your Health...

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Some bad news just came from the World Health Organization about new cancer risks for all of us. It just gets better and better, doesn't it?... (Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 26, 2015

Schindler's Fist

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Sometimes, a man has a calling, greater than him. This winter, find out what one man will do to stand up for what's right, and challenge the forces of evil.

Can he fit his whole arm up to the elbow... (Click to see more)

Posted: Oct. 21, 2015

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